So you want to have a drink but you aren't sure why? Here are some GREAT reasons to call your friends over and have a party.
July 20th
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  • Christian Feast Day: Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • Friend's Day (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • Independence Day, celebrates the independence declaration of Colombia from Spain in 1810. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
July 20th
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  • 2006 - Ethiopian troops enter Somalian territory. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 2003 - France: Sixteen people are injured after two bombs explode outside a tax office in Nice. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 2002 - South America: A fire in a discotheque in Lima, Peru kills over twenty-five. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 2000 - In Zimbabwe, Parliament opens its new session and seats opposition members for the first time in a decade. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 2000 - Carlos the Jackal sues France in the European Court of Human Rights for allegedly torturing him. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1999 - Falun Gong is banned in the People's Republic of China, and a large scale crackdown of the practice is launched. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1998 - Two hundred aid workers from CARE International, Doctors Without Borders and other aid groups leave Afghanistan on orders of the Taliban. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1996 - In Spain, an ETA bomb at Reus Airport injures 53 Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1994 - Israel's Shimon Peres visits Jordan, the highest ranking Israeli official to do so Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1994 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's Fragment Q1 hits Jupiter. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1992 - Václav Havel resigns as president of Czechoslovakia. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1992 - The first post-Soviet monetary reform in Latvia ended, as the Soviet rouble lost its status as legal tender. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1989 - Photographer Robert Mapplethorpe's show opens at Washington, D.C.'s Project for the Arts after the Smithsonian Institution's Corcoran Gallery cancels it. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1989 - Burma's ruling junta puts opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1987 - UN Security Council Resolution 598, condemning the Iran–Iraq War and demanding cease-fire, is unanimously adopted. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1986 - In South Africa, police fire tear gas into a church service for families of those held under the government's emergency decrees. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1985 - The government of Aruba passes legislation to secede from the Netherlands Antilles. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1984 - Officials of the Miss America pageant ask Vanessa Lynn Williams to quit after Penthouse publishes nude photos of her. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1983 - The Israeli cabinet votes to withdraw troops from Beirut but to remain in southern Lebanon. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1982 - Hyde Park and Regents Park bombings: The Provisional IRA detonates two bombs in Hyde Park and Regents Park in central London, killing eight soldiers, wounding forty-seven people, and leading to the deaths of seven horses. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1980 - The United Nations Security Council votes 14-0 that member states should not recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1977 - Johnstown is hit by a flash flood that kills eighty and causes $350 million in damage. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1977 - The Central Intelligence Agency releases documents under the Freedom of Information Act revealing it had engaged in mind control experiments. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - The American Viking 1 lander successfully lands on Mars. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - Vietnam War: The U.S. military completes its troop withdrawal from Thailand. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - Hank Aaron hits his 755th home run, the final home run of his career. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - India expels three reporters from The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and Newsweek because they refused to sign a pledge to abide by government censorship. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1974 - Turkish occupation of Cyprus: Forces from Turkey invade Cyprus after a "coup d' etat", organised by the dictator of Greece, against president Makarios. NATO's Council praises the United States and the United Kingdom for attempts to settle the dispute. Syria and Egypt put their militaries on alert. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - The US Senate passes the War Powers Act. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Vietnam War: In testimony by Assistant Secretary of Defense Jerry Friedheim to the US Senate Committee on Armed Services, the US Defense Department admits it lied to US Congress about bombing Cambodia . Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Palestianian terrorists hijack a Japan Airlines jet en route from Amsterdam to Japan and force it down in Dubai. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - First coast-to-coast black-owned and operated radio network: The National Black Network (NBN) begins operations. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1971 - The Soviet Union says it will support the People's Republic of China's admission to the United Nations Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1969 - Apollo Program: Apollo 11 successfully lands on the Moon at 20:17 UTC on July 20. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1969 - A cease fire is announced between Honduras and El Salvador, 6 days after the beginning of the "Football War" Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1968 - Special Olympics founded. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1965 - Turkish prime minister Suat Hayri Urguplu returns from a visit to Moscow and announces the Soviet Union will provide aid to his country. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - Vietnam War: Viet Cong forces attack the capital of Dinh Tuong Province, Cai Be, killing 11 South Vietnamese military personnel and 40 civilians (30 of which are children). Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - The National Movement of the Revolution is instituted as the sole legal political party in the Republic of Congo. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1961 - French military forces break the Tunisian siege of Bizerte. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1960 - Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) elects Sirimavo Bandaranaike Prime Minister, the world's first elected female head of government. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1960 - The Polaris missile is successfully launched from a submarine, the USS George Washington, for the first time. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1960 - Belgium defends its intervention in the Congo to the United Nations Security Council while the government of the Congo appeals to the Soviet Union to send troops to push back the Belgians. The governments of the United States and France and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization warn the Soviets to stay out of the dispute. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1960 - The head of the Physics Department at the Israel Institute of Technology, Kurt Sitte, is arrested for espionage. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1959 - The Organization for European Economic Cooperation admits Spain. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1954 - Germany: Otto John, head of West Germany's secret service, defects to East Germany. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1954 - At Geneva, Switzerland, an armistice is signed that ends fighting in Vietnam and divides the country along the 17th parallel. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1953 - The United Nations Economic and Social Council votes to make UNICEF a permanent agency. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1951 - King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian while attending Friday prayers in Jerusalem. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1950 - Cold War: In Philadelphia, Harry Gold pleads guilty to spying for the Soviet Union by passing secrets from atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1949 - Israel and Syria sign a truce to end their nineteen-month war. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1948 - U.S. President Harry S. Truman issues a peacetime military draft in the United States amid increasing tensions with the Soviet Union. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1948 - In New York City, twelve leaders of the Communist Party USA are indicted under the Smith Act including William Z. Foster and Gus Hall. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1947 - Police in Burma arrest former Prime Minister U Saw and 19 others on charges of assassinating Prime Minister U Aung San and seven members of his cabinet. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1947 - The Viceroy of India says the people of the North-West Frontier Province overwhelmingly voted the previous day to join Pakistan rather than India. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1946 - World War II: The US Congress's Pearl Harbor Committee says Franklin D. Roosevelt is completely blameless for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and calls for a unified command structure in the armed forces. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - The US Congress approves the Bretton Woods Agreement. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1944 - World War II: Adolf Hitler survives an assassination attempt (known as the 20 July plot) led by German Army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the Democratic Party nomination for the fourth and final time at the 1944 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1944 - Fifty are hurt in rioting in front of the presidential palace in Mexico City. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1942 - World War II: The first unit of the Women's Army Corps begins training in Des Moines, Iowa. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1941 - Soviet leader Joseph Stalin consolidates the Commissariats of Home Affairs and National Security to form the NKVD and names Lavrenti Beria its chief. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1940 - Denmark leaves the League of Nations. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1940 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Hatch Act of 1939, limiting political activity by Federal government employees. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1938 - The United States Department of Justice files suit in New York City against the motion picture industry charging violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act in regards to the studio system. The case would eventually result in a break-up of the industry in . Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1936 - The Montreux Convention is signed in Switzerland, authorizing Turkey to fortify the Dardanelles and Bosphorus but guaranteeing free passage to ships of all nations in peacetime. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1935 - Switzerland: A Royal Dutch Airlines plane en route from Milan to Frankfurt crashes into a Swiss mountain, killing thirteen. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1934 - Labor unrest in the U.S., as police in Minneapolis fire upon striking truck drivers, during the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934, killing two and wounding sixty-seven. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1934 - 1934 West Coast waterfront strike: In Seattle, police fire tear gas on and club 2,000 striking longshoremen. The governor of Oregon calls out the National Guard to break a strike on the Portland docks. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1933 - In London, 500,000 march against anti-Semitism. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1933 - Germany: Two-hundred Jewish merchants are arrested in Nuremberg and paraded through the streets. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1933 - Vice-Chancellor of Germany Franz von Papen and Vatican Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli sign a concordat on behalf of their respective nations. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1932 - In Washington, D.C., police fire tear gas on World War I veterans part of the Bonus Expeditionary Force who attempt to march to the White House. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1932 - Crowds in the capitals of Bolivia and Paraguay demand their governments declare war on the other after fighting on their border. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1929 - Soviet troops attempt to cross the Amur River into Manchuria near Blagoveschensk as tensions mount between the Soviet Union and the Republic of China. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1928 - The government of Hungary issues a decree ordering Gypsies to end their nomadic ways, settle permanently in one place, and subject themselves to the same laws and taxes as other Hungarians. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1926 - A convention of the Southern Methodist Church votes to allow women to become ministers. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1924 - Teheran, Persia comes under martial law after the American vice-consul, Robert Imbrie, is killed by a religious mob enraged by rumors he had poisoned a fountain and killed several people. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1922 - The League of Nations awards mandates of Togoland to France and Tanganyika to the United Kingdom. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1921 - Air mail service begins between New York City and San Francisco. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1921 - Congresswoman Alice Mary Robertson became the first woman to preside over the US House of Representatives. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1918 - World War I: German troops cross the Marne. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1917 - World War I: The Corfu Declaration, which leads to the creation of the post-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is signed by the Yugoslav Committee and Kingdom of Serbia. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1916 - World War I: In Armenia, Russian troops capture Gumiskhanek. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1907 - A train wreck on the Pere Marquette Railroad near Salem, Michigan, kills 30 and injures 70. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1903 - Ford Motor Company ships its first car. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1898 - Spanish-American War: A boiler explodes on the USS Iowa off the coast of Santiago de Cuba. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1894 - The troops sent by Grover Cleveland to Chicago to end the Pullman Strike are recalled. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1885 - The Football Association legalises professionalism in football under pressure from the British Football Association. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1881 - Indian Wars: Sioux Chief Sitting Bull leads the last of his fugitive people in surrender to United States troops at Fort Buford, North Dakota Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1877 - Rioting in Baltimore, Maryland, by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad workers is put down by the state militia, resulting in nine deaths. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1871 - British Columbia joins the confederation of Canada. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1866 - Austro-Prussian War: Battle of Lissa – The Austrian Navy , led by Admiral Wilhelm von Tegetthoff, defeats the Italian Navy near the island of Vis in the Adriatic Sea. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1864 - American Civil War: Battle of Peachtree Creek – Near Atlanta, Georgia, Confederate forces led by General John Bell Hood unsuccessfully attack Union troops under General William T. Sherman. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1810 - Citizens of Bogotá, New Granada declare independence from Spain. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1807 - Nicéphore Niépce was awarded a patent by Napoleon Bonaparte for the Pyréolophore, the world's first internal combustion engine, after it successfully powered a boat upstream on the river Saône in France. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1738 - North America: French explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de la Vérendrye reaches the western shore of Lake Michigan. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1656 - Swedish forces under the command of King Charles X Gustav defeat the forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the Battle of Warsaw. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1402 - Ottoman-Timurid Wars: Battle of Ankara – Timur, ruler of Timurid Empire, defeats forces of the Ottoman Empire sultan Bayezid I. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1304 - Wars of Scottish Independence: Fall of Stirling Castle – King Edward I of England takes the stronghold using the War Wolf. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 911 - Rollo lays siege to Chartres. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 70 - First Jewish-Roman War: Siege of Jerusalem - Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, storms the Fortress of Antonia north of the Temple Mount. The Roman army is drawn into street fights with the Zealots. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
July 20th
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  • 1999 - Princess Alexandra of Hanover Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1997 - Billi Bruno, American actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1991 - William Tomlin, British actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1989 - Witwisit Hirunwongkul, Thai actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1988 - Julianne Hough, American ballroom dancer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1988 - Stephen Strasburg, American baseball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1985 - John Francis Daley, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1985 - David Mundy, Australian rules footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1985 - Anastasia Perraki, Greek fashion model Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1984 - Alexi Casilla, Dominican baseball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1984 - Matt Gilroy, American Hockey Player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1982 - Percy Daggs III, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1981 - Damien Delaney, Irish footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1981 - Thorsten Engelmann, German rower Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1980 - Gisele Bündchen, Brazilian model Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1980 - Mike Kennerty, American guitarist (The All-American Rejects) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1979 - Claudine Barretto, Filipino actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1979 - Miklos Feher, Hungarian footballer (d. 2004) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1979 - David Ortega, Spanish freestyle swimmer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1978 - Will Solomon, American basketball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1978 - Elliott Yamin, American Idol contestant Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1978 - Pavel Datsyuk, Russian ice hockey player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1978 - Charlie Korsmo, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1978 - Tamsyn Lewis, Australian athlete Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1977 - Kiki Musampa, Congolese footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1977 - Alessandro dos Santos, naturalized Japanese footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - Erica Hill, American news anchor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - Debashish Mohanty, Indian cricketer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - Andrew Stockdale, Australian musician (Wolfmother) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1976 - Alex Yoong, Malaysian racing driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - Ray Allen, American basketball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - Judy Greer, American actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - Erik Hagen, Norwegian footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - Birgitta Ohlsson, Swedish politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - Atiq-uz-Zaman, Pakistani cricketer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1975 - El Zorro, Mexican professional wrestler Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1974 - Bengie Molina, Puerto Rican baseball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1974 - Phofo, American musician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1974 - Simon Rex, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Peter Forsberg, Swedish ice hockey player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Nixon McLean, West Indian cricketer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Omar Epps, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Claudio Reyna, American soccer player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1973 - Mads Rieper, Danish footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1972 - Jozef Stümpel, Slovak ice hockey player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1972 - Erik Ullenhag, Swedish jurist and politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1971 - Ed Giddins, English cricketer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1971 - Charles Johnson, American baseball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1971 - Sandra Oh, Korean Canadian actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1971 - DJ Screw, American hip hop deejay (d. 2000) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1970 - Agot Isidro, Filipina actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1969 - Vitamin C, American singer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1969 - Josh Holloway, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1969 - Giovanni Lombardi, Italian cyclist Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1969 - Tobi Vail, American musician (Bikini Kill, The Go Team, The Frumpies) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1968 - Jimmy Carson, American ice hockey player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1968 - Michael Park, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1968 - Julian Rhind-Tutt, English actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1967 - Reed Diamond, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1967 - Courtney Taylor-Taylor, American musician (The Dandy Warhols) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1966 - Stone Gossard, American musician (Pearl Jam, Mother Love Bone, Brad) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1966 - Enrique Peńa Nieto, American politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - Chris Cornell, American musician (Soundgarden, Audioslave) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - Terri Irwin, American naturalist; widow of Steve Irwin Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - Kool G Rap, American musician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - Bernd Schneider, German racing driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1964 - Dean Winters, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1963 - Frank Whaley, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1962 - Carlos Alazraqui, American actor and comedian Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1962 - Giovanna Amati, Italian racing driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1962 - Lee Harris, English drummer (Talk Talk, .O.rang) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1960 - Claudio Langes, Italian racing driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1958 - Peter Fraßmann, German footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1958 - Mick MacNeil, Scottish musician (Simple Minds) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1958 - Billy Mays, American TV pitchman (d. 2009) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1957 - Nancy Cruzan, American figure in right-to-die case (d. 1990) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1957 - Donna Dixon, American actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1956 - Paul Cook, English musician (The Sex Pistols) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1956 - Ryo Ishibashi, Japanese actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1956 - Jim Prentice, Canadian politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1955 - Jem Finer, English musician and composer (The Pogues) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1954 - Moira Harris, American actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1954 - Larry Levan, American DJ (d. 1992) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1953 - Dan Shaughnessy, American sports writer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1953 - Dave Evans, Australian singer (AC/DC) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1953 - Thomas Friedman, American journalist Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1953 - Marcia Hines, American-born Australian singer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1952 - Keiko Matsuzaka, Japanese actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1951 - Jeff Rawle, English actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1950 - Tantoo Cardinal, Canadian actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1950 - Naseeruddin Shah, Indian actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1948 - Muse Watson, American actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1947 - Gerd Binnig, German-born physicist, Nobel laureate Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1947 - Carlos Santana, Mexican-born American guitarist Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1946 - Randal Kleiser, American film director Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - Kim Carnes, American singer and songwriter Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - Larry Craig, American politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - John Lodge, English musician (The Moody Blues) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - Johnny Loughrey, Irish singer (d. 2005) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - Bo Rein, American football coach (d. 1980) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1945 - Harrison Ellenshaw, American matte painter Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1944 - Olivier de Kersauson, French sailor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1943 - Chris Amon, New Zealand racing driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1943 - Wendy Richard, English actress (d. 2009) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1943 - Adrian P?unescu, Romanian poet, journalist, and politician (d. 2010) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1942 - Ron Bowden, Australian politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1942 - Pete Hamilton, American race car driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1942 - T. G. Sheppard, American country music singer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1941 - Kurt Raab, German actor (d. 1988) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1939 - Judy Chicago, American artist Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1938 - Roger Hunt, English footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1938 - Tony Oliva, Cuban baseball player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1938 - Dame Diana Rigg, English actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1938 - Natalie Wood, American actress (d. 1981) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1937 - Ken Ogata, Japanese actor (d. 2008) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1936 - Barbara Mikulski, American politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1935 - Ted Rogers, English comedian (d. 2001) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1934 - Uwe Johnson, German writer (d. 1984) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1934 - Doug Padgett, English cricketer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1934 - Aliki Vougiouklaki, Greek actress (d. 1996) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1933 - Buddy Knox, American singer and songwriter (d. 1999) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1933 - Cormac McCarthy, American author Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1933 - Rex Williams, English snooker player Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1932 - Nam June Paik, Video artist (d. 2006) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1932 - Otto Schily, German politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1932 - Ove Verner Hansen, Danish actor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1931 - Tony Marsh, English racing driver Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1930 - Chuck Daly, American basketball coach (d. 2009) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1930 - Sally Ann Howes, English-born singer and actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1929 - Mike Ilitch, American businessman and sports executive Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1929 - Rajendra Kumar, Indian actor (d. 1999) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1927 - Michael Gielen, Austrian conductor and composer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1926 - Lola Albright, American actress Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1926 - Patricia Cutts, English actress (d. 1974) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1925 - Jacques Delors, French President of the European Commission Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1925 - Frantz Fanon, West Indian psychiatrist and writer (d. 1961) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1924 - Thomas Berger, American novelist Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1924 - Mort Garson, Canadian composer (d. 2008) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1923 - Stanis?aw Albinowski, Polish economist and journalist (d. 2005) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1922 - Alan Stephenson Boyd, American politician Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1920 - Elliot Richardson, American politician (d. 1999) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1919 - Sir Edmund Hillary, New Zealand mountaineer and explorer (d. 2008) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1918 - Cindy Walker, American singer (d. 2006) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1914 - Charilaos Florakis, leader of the Communist Party of Greece (d. 2005) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1912 - George Johnston, Australian journalist and novelist (d. 1970) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1911 - Baqa Jilani, Indian cricketer (d. 1941) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1910 - Vilém Tauský, Czech conductor and composer (d. 2004) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1909 - Eric Rowan, South African cricketer, Wisden COY 1952 (d. 1993) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1909 - Jean Focas, Greco-French astronomer (d. 1969) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1902 - Jimmy Kennedy, Irish composer (d. 1984) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1901 - Heinie Manush, American baseball player (d. 1971) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1900 - Maurice Leyland, English cricketer (d. 1967) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1897 - Tadeus Reichstein, Polish-born chemist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate (d. 1996) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1896 - Eunice Sanborn, American supercentenarian Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1895 - László Moholy-Nagy, Hungarian painter, photographer, and sculptor (d. 1946) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1893 - George Llewelyn-Davies, English Peter Pan character model (d. 1915) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1890 - King George II of Greece (d. 1947) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1889 - John Reith, British broadcast executive (d. 1971) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1876 - Otto Blumenthal, German mathematician (d. 1944) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1873 - Alberto Santos-Dumont, Brazilian aviator (d. 1932) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1868 - Miron Cristea, 1st Patriarch of All Romania (d. 1939) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1864 - Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Swedish writer, Nobel Prize in Literature laureate (d. 1931) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1858 - Ivan Vucetic, Croatian anthropologist (d. 1925) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1852 - Theo Heemskerk, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (d. 1932) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1849 - Robert Anderson Van Wyck, Mayor of New York City (d. 1918) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1847 - Max Liebermann, German artist (d. 1935) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1838 - Augustin Daly, American playwright (d. 1899) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1838 - George Otto Trevelyan, British statesman and biographer (d. 1928) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1822 - Gregor Mendel, German scientist, father of modern genetics (d. 1884) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1804 - Richard Owen, English biologist (d. 1892) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1797 - Sir Pawe? Edmund Strzelecki, Polish explorer and geologist (d. 1873) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1774 - Auguste Marmont, French marshal (d. 1852) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1757 - Garsevan Chavchavadze, Georgian diplomat and politician (d. 1811) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1754 - Destutt de Tracy, French philosopher (d. 1836) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1620 - Nikolaes Heinsius, Dutch scholar (d. 1681) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1537 - Arnaud d'Ossat, French diplomat and writer (d. 1604) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1304 - Francesco Petrarch, Italian poet (d. 1374) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 810 - Imam Bukhari, Muslim scholar and compiler of Hadith (d. 870) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • -356 - Alexander the Great, Macedonean king and conqueror of Persia (d. 323 BC) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook

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